Our routes reach across the Nordic countries and Europe.

Are you on the lookout for reliable and professional freight transport anywhere in the Nordic countries or Europe?

Contact us and we will organise efficient transport for you, or your company tailored to your needs. A designated contact person will be available to make sure your cargo reaches its destination.


International Transport Ismo Rajamäki
VAT Number: EE101725394
Commerecial register code: 12589529

Client service:
Mon to Fri from 8 AM to 5 PM

+372 5886 0581

Terminal: Taevavärava tee 6B 28, Lehmja
Postal address: Kotzebuee 33-16, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia

Account number:
SEB Pank AS: EE771010220232259224

AS LHV Pank: EE697700771010571146                             SWIFT: LHVBEE22


Åkeri Ismo Rajamäki AB
VAT number: SE559126499801
Commercial register code 559126-4998

Client service:
Mon to Fri from 8 AM to 5 PM

+46 74 840 48 46

Visiting address: Stålgatan 15 A, 19572 Rosersberg
Postal address: BOX 24103, SE-10451, Stockholm, Sverige

Account number:
IBAN: SE36 5000 0000 0525 5105 6306

BankGiro 251-1822